We've Moved!

Our new office is located at 1260 35th St., Suite 2, Marion, IA 52302. We will begin seeing patients at our new location on April 22nd, 2024. Please contact us with any questions.


Please be advised that this blog is a purely informational public platform and in no way constitutes medical advice from the physicians and nurses at Infinity Medical Clinic.


Diabetes is a diagnosis that no one wants to hear, but it affects 34.2 million Americans, and even more, are at risk of developing one form of the disease. With nearly 10 percent of the population dealing with the symptoms and effects of diabetes, it is important to understand the disease and the two types — Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.


If you have asthma, you can have breathing problems any time of the year, but you may notice additional wheezing, coughing, or asthma attacks in the winter. What happens in winter to trigger your asthma? There are two main reasons: First, there are the cold, dry days of Iowa winters. Next, we have an increase in respiratory illnesses, such as colds, influenza, and COVID-19.


When the new year rolls around, do you think about doing more for your health, like losing weight and eating better? Those are wonderful ways to improve your life! Another great way to manage your health is through your annual physical exam, sometimes referred to as the well-woman exam. This important doctor’s visit gathers the data needed to manage any health issues you have and to screen for cancers like cervical cancer and breast cancer. It also allows you to ask questions and develop a plan for your health.

Call Us at 319-826-6374